Version 3. 4 de decembre de 2007
Version 2. Correccion segond las remarcas de Marya DuMont en agost de
Version 1. Darrièrs cambiaments lo 22 de febrièr de 1992.
Mesa al format HTML lo 22 de febrièr de 1996
Last changes to the original edition: 22nd February 1992
Translated to HTML 22nd February 1996
Revised with the help of Marya DuMont - August 1996.
Version 3: 4th December 2007
above | sus |
accident | accident |
acrobat | acrobat |
action | accion |
actor | actor |
add (to) | addicionar |
address | adreça |
adjective | adjectiu |
adverb | advèrbi |
afternoon | vèspre ; après-dinnada |
age | edat |
air | aire |
airport | aeropòrt |
algae | alga |
all | tot |
alms ; alms-giving | almòina |
alone | sol |
alphabet | alfabet |
ambulance | ambulància |
anchor | ancora |
anger | ira |
animal | animal |
answer (to) | respondre |
apex | cimèl (d'un angle) |
apology | excusa |
apple | poma |
apron | davantal |
aquarium | aquari |
arithmetic | aritmetica |
arm | braç |
arrange (to) | ordenar |
arrive (to) | arribar |
arrow | sageta |
article | article |
ass | ase |
astronaut | astronauta |
astronomy | astronomia |
atmosphere | atmosfèra |
aunt | tanta |
autumn | davalada ; auton |
axe | destral |
baby | nene |
back | esquina |
bad | mal ; marrit ; dolent ; missant (adj) |
badly | mal (advb) |
bag | saca |
bakery | fornariá |
balance | scale |
balcony | balcon |
ball | bala |
banana | banana |
band | banda de musicaires |
bank | banca ; broa |
baptise (to) | batejar |
bark | barca ; rusca |
bark (to) | lairar ; jaupar |
basket | cesta ; panièr |
bath | banh |
bath-tub | banhadoira |
bay | baia |
be (to) | èsser |
be able (to) | poder |
be allowed (to) | poder |
be lost (to) | escavartar (s') |
beach | plaja |
beacon | far |
bean | monja (que se manja) |
bear | ors |
beard | barba |
beautiful | bèl |
bed | lièch |
bedroom | cramba |
bee | abelha |
beer | cervesa |
before | davant |
begin (to) | començar |
beginning | debuta |
behind | darrièr |
being | èsser (subst.) |
bell | campana ; esquila |
belong (to) | aparténer |
belt | cencha ; cenchon |
bench | banc |
berth | liechòta |
between | entre |
bicycle | bicicleta |
bird | aucèl |
birthday | aniversari |
bite (to) | mossegar |
black | negre |
black board | tablèu (d'escòla) |
blind | òrb ; avugle ; cec |
blood | sang |
blow | còp |
blow (to) | bufar |
blue | blau |
board | pòst |
boat | barca |
body | còrs |
bole | soc ; tronc |
bomb | bomba |
bone | òs |
book | libre |
bottle | botelha |
bottom | fons |
bough | branca |
bowel | budèl |
brace | parelh |
brain | cervèl |
brake | fren |
branch | branca |
brave | valent |
bread | pan |
break (to) | brisar ; engrunar ; copar |
breakfast | dejunar |
breed | grana |
brick | brica ; maon ; rajòla |
bridge | pont |
broad | larg |
brook | riu ; canal |
broom | escoba ; balaja ; engranièra |
brother | fraire |
brown | brun |
brush | escobilh ; espolseta |
buffoon | bofon |
build (to) | bastir |
building | bastiment |
lightbulb | ampola |
bull | taure |
burn | cremadura |
burn (to) | cremar |
bus | autobús |
butter | burre |
butterfly | parpalhon |
button | boton |
buttonhole | botonièra |
buy (to) | crompar |
cage | gàbia |
cake | pastisson |
calendar | calendièr |
call (to) | sonar |
camel | camèl |
camper | caravana |
can (I) | poder |
candle | candela |
cap | casqueta |
car | automobila |
caramel | caramèl |
carpet | tapís |
carry (to) | portar |
carter | cabucèla |
case | caissa |
castle | castèl |
cat | cat |
cattle | bestial |
causeway | calçada |
cave | balma ; cauna |
cereal | cereala |
change (to) | cambiar |
charlatan | triacaire |
chatterer | barjacaire |
cheese | formatge |
chest | caissa |
child | enfant |
chill | refregida (crèba) |
chimney | chiminèa |
chin | menton |
chocolate | chocolat |
christmas | nadal ; calendas |
church | glèisa |
cigar | cigarro |
cinema | cinema |
circle | cèucle |
circumference | circonferéncia |
circus | circ |
classroom | classa |
clause | proposicion |
clean | net |
clean (to) | netejar |
clever | intelligent |
climb (to) | escalar ; pojar |
climb over (to) | escala(da)r |
clock | relòtge ; mòstra |
close (to) | barrar |
closet | armari |
clothe (to) | vestir |
clothes | vestit |
cloud | nívol |
clown | palhassa |
coal | carbon |
coast | còsta (de mar) |
coat | mantèl |
coat of arms | escut (blason) |
cock | gal |
coffee-mill | molin (pel cafè) |
cold | freg |
colour | color |
comb | penche |
come (to) | venir |
comedy | comedia |
comet | cometa |
compare (to) | comparar |
compass | bossòla |
complain (to) | plànher (se) |
conjunction | conjoncion |
container | grasala |
conversation | convèrsa |
cook | cosinièr |
cook (to) | còire ; còser |
cord | còrda |
corn | milh |
corn (US) | blat |
corner | canton |
cosmodrom | cosmodròm |
cosmos | cosmòs |
cost (to) | costar |
count (to) | comptar |
country | campèstre |
court | cort |
cousin | cosin |
cover | envolopa ; cabucèla |
cover (to) | cobrir ; tapar |
cow | vaca |
cow-herd | boièr |
cravat | carbata |
crazy | baug |
crib | liechòta |
crocodile | cocodril |
cross (to) | traversar |
crush (to) | mòler |
cry (to) | plorar |
cube | cub |
cup | tassa |
cupboard | armari |
curtain | cortina |
custom | costuma |
cut (to) | copar |
dam | barratge |
dance (to) | balar |
danger | dangièr |
dark (to be) | faire nuèch |
dash | trach ; rega |
day | jorn |
deaf | sord |
deep | prigond |
dentist | dentista |
dentition | dents (coll.) |
descend (to) | davalar |
desert | èrm |
desk | pupitre |
device | aparelh |
dictionary | diccionari |
die (to) | morir |
difficult | malaisit |
dimension | dimension |
dinner | sopar (lo) |
direction | direccion |
dirty | lord |
discover (to) | descobrir |
disembark (to) | desbarcar |
dish | plat |
diver | cabussaire |
divide (to) | devesir |
do (to) | far |
doctor | metge |
dog | can ; gós ; chin |
doll | monaca |
donkey | ase |
door | pòrta |
dove | paloma |
down | aval |
dozen | dotzena |
drag (to) | rebalar |
dragon | dragon |
draw (to) | dessenhar |
dress (to) | vestir |
drive (to) | menar (autò) |
dromedary | dromadari |
drop | glop ; gota |
drum | tambor |
dry | eissut |
duck | rit |
dumb | mut |
dwarf | nan |
dwell in (to) | abitar |
ear | aurelha |
ear (of corn) | espiga |
earth | tèrra (planèta) |
earthquake | tèrratremol |
east | èst |
easy | aisit |
eat (to) | manjar |
echo | resson |
eclipse | eclipsi |
egg | uòu |
eight | uèch |
elefant | elefant |
eleven | onze |
embark (to) | embarcar |
empty | vuèg |
enclosure | clausura ; cledat |
end (to) | finir ; acabar |
engine | locomotritz |
equal | egal |
eskimo | inoit * |
even | egal ; par |
every | cada |
ewe (sheep) | feda ; oelha |
excursion | escorreguda |
excuse | excusa |
eye | uèlh |
façade | faciada |
face | cara |
factory | fabrega |
fade (to) | marcir (se) |
fair | fièra |
fairy | fada |
fall (to) | caire ; tombar |
fall ill (to) | emmalautir |
family | familha ; ostal |
fan | ventalh ; ventilador |
far away | luènh |
farm | bòria |
farmer | borièr |
fasten (to) | estacar |
fat | gròs |
father | paire |
fatigue o.self out (to) | cansar (se) |
fay | fada |
fear | paur |
feather | pluma |
feel (to) | palpar ; sentir |
feeling | tocar |
festival | fèsta |
few (a) | pauc |
fifteen | quinze |
fin | nadarèla ; aleta |
find (to) | trobar |
find out (to) | descobrir |
fine | fin |
finger | det |
fir | avet (sap) |
fire | encendi ; fuèc |
fireman | pompièr |
fireside | lenhièr |
first name | nom (pichon) |
fish | peis ; peisson |
fish for (to) | pescar |
fist | ponh ; punhet |
five | cinc |
flag | estendard |
flash | beluga ; rai ; fólzer |
flat | plan ; plat |
fling (to) | tirar |
float (to) | flotar |
floor | sòl |
flour | farina |
flower | flor |
flu | gripa |
fly | mosca |
fly (to) | volar |
fly into a passion (to) | asirar (s') |
food | mangisca ; aliment |
foot | pauta ; pè |
foot-bridge | palanca |
footprint | piada ; dralha |
forbid (to) | enebir ; interdire |
ford (to) | gasar |
forehead | front |
forest | bòsc ; sèlva |
forget (to) | doblidar ; delembrar |
fork | forqueta |
form | forma |
four | quatre |
fourteen | catòrze |
fox | rainal ; mandra |
frank | sincèr |
friend | amic |
frog | granhòta ; rana |
front | faciada |
frost nip | cremadura |
fruit | frucha |
full | comol |
furnace | fornèl |
furniture | mòble |
gallon | galon (litres) |
gang | banda de raubaires |
garage | garatge |
garden | jardin |
gender | genre |
geography | geografia |
geometry | geometria |
get (to) | obténer |
get down (to) | davalar |
geyser | géiser |
giant | gigant |
gift | present ; dona |
giraffe | girafa |
give (to) | donar |
glad | content |
glass | veire ; gòt |
glasses | lunetas |
globe | glòb |
glove | gant |
go (to) | anar |
go down (to) | davalar |
go out (to) | sortir |
go up (to) | pojar |
god | dieu |
gold | aur |
good | bon |
govern (to) | governar |
graceful | graciós |
grain | gran |
gram | gram |
grammar | gramatica |
gramme | gram |
granary | granièr |
grandfather | grand (pair) |
grandmother | grand (mair) |
grape | rasim |
grass | èrba |
great | bèl ; grand |
greedy | golard |
green | verd |
grey | gris |
grind (to) | mòler |
groan (to) | gemegar |
grocer | especièr |
ground | tèrra (sòl) |
grow (to) | créisser |
grumble (to) | plànher (se) |
guess (to) | endevinar |
gulf | golf |
gum | caochoc ; goma ; pega |
gush (to) | rajar |
gymnastics | gimnastica |
gypsum | gipse |
habit | costuma |
haft | margue |
hail | granissa |
hailstorm | granissa |
hair (single) | pel ; cabel |
half | mitat |
hammer | martèl |
hand | man |
handkerchief | mocador |
handle | margue |
happiness | jòia ; gaug |
happy | urós ; astruc |
harbour | pòrt |
hare | lèbre |
harsh | dur, a |
hat | capèl |
hatchet | destral |
haughty | orgulhós |
have (to) | aver |
head | cap |
health | santat ; salut |
hear (to) | ausir |
heart | còr |
hearth | lenhièr |
heat | calor |
heat (to) | calfar |
hello | adiu |
help (to) | ajudar |
here | aicí |
hero | eròs |
hide (to) | escondre |
high | aut ; naut |
hill | colina |
hiss (to) | siblar ; siular |
history | istòria |
hit | còp |
hive | bornat |
hole | trauc |
holiday | fèsta |
holidays | vacanças |
home | fogal ; ostal |
homeland | patria |
honest | onèst |
honey | mèl |
horn | bana |
horse | chival |
hospital | espital |
hour | ora |
house | ostal ; casa |
howl (to) | bramar |
hump | bòssa |
hunch | bòssa |
hunger | talent |
hurl (to) | tirar |
hurricane | auragan |
hurry (to) | s'afanar |
hurt (to) | doler |
ice | glaça |
ice cream | glacet |
idle | pigre ; peresós |
illustration | ilustracion |
imagine (to) | imaginar |
implement | instrument |
indian | indian |
influenza | gripa |
inhabit (to) | abitar |
injection | injeccion |
ink | tencha |
insect | insècte |
inside | dedins |
instrument | instrument |
interjection | interjeccion |
intestine | budèl |
invent (to) | inventar |
invitation | convit |
iron | fèrre ; fèrre d'estirar |
iron (to) | estirar ; alisar |
island | iscla |
jacket | vèsta |
jam | confitura |
jar | gerla |
jersey | tricòt |
job | profession ; mestièr |
joke | nhòrla |
joy | jòia ; gaug |
juice | suc |
jump (to) | saltar |
key | clau |
kilogram ; kilogramme | quilogram |
kilometre | quilomètre |
kimono | quimòno |
kind | amable |
king | rei |
kiosk | quiòsc |
kitchen | cosina |
kite | colomba ; sèrp-volanta |
knee | genolh |
knife | cotèl ; ganiva |
knight | chivalièr |
knock | còp |
knock (to) | trucar |
knot | nos |
know (to) | conéisser ; saupre |
labyrinth | laberint |
lake | lac |
lament (to) | regantar |
lamp | lum ; lampa |
lampadary | calelha |
land (to) | aterrir ; desbarcar |
lantern | lampa ; calelh |
last | darrièr |
late | tard |
laugh (to) | rire |
lazy | pigre ; peresós |
lead (to) | menar (tropèl) |
leaf | fuèlha |
learn (to) | aprene |
leather | cuèr |
leave (to) | daissar |
left | esquèr |
leg | camba |
letter | letra |
library | bibliotèca ; libièr |
lie (to) | mentir |
lift | ascensor |
light | lutz ; lum |
light bulb | ampola |
light (to) | alucar |
lighthouse | far |
lightning-conductor | paratroneire |
like (to) | aimar |
limb | branca |
line | linha ; rega |
lion | leon |
liquid | liquid |
litre | litre |
little | pichon |
live (to) | viure |
livestock | bestial |
load (to) | cargar |
lock | sarralha |
locomotive | locomotritz |
loft | granièr |
long | long |
look for (to) | cercar |
lose (to) | pèrdre |
love (to) | aimar |
low | bas ; baish |
luggage | bagatges |
lukewarm | tèbi |
lull (to) | breçar |
lung | palmon |
magnet | imant |
mala | |
make (to) | far |
man | òme (anthropos) |
many | mantun |
map | mapa |
marionette | mariòta |
market | mercat |
match | luquet |
may (I) | poder |
maybe | benlèu |
maze | laberint |
mead | prat |
meadow | prat |
meal | farina |
meat | carn |
melon | melon |
memory | memòria |
mere | estanh |
metal | metal |
metre | mètre |
milk | lèit |
mill | molin |
mill (to) | mòler |
mine | mina |
mineral | mineral |
minute | minuta |
mirror | miralh |
miss (to) | languir (de) |
mix (to) | mesclar |
moan (to) | gemegar |
money | argent ; money |
monkey | monard ; monina |
month | mes ; mesada |
moon | luna |
morning | matin |
morrow | matin |
mosquito | mosquilh |
mother | maire |
motor | motor |
motor-cycle | motocicleta |
motor-fuel | gasolina |
motorway | autorota |
mountain | montanha |
mouse | murga |
mouth | boca |
mouthful | bocada |
much | fòrça ; belcòp |
multiply (to) | multiplicar |
murmur (to) | marmusar |
museum | musèu |
mushroom | camparòl |
nail | clavèl |
naked | parat ; nus |
nandu | nhando (estruci) * |
narrow | estrech |
nautical mile | mila (1,852 m) |
nearby | prèp |
need (to) | far mestièr |
needle | agulha |
nest | nis |
net | malhum |
never | jamai |
new | nòu (novèl) |
newspaper | jornal |
nice | polit |
night | nuèch |
night (to be) | faire nuèch |
nightfall | calabrun |
nine | nòu (chifra) |
no | non ; pas |
nod (head) | signe |
noise | bruch |
none | pas cap |
north | nòrd |
nose | nas |
notice | avís |
noun | substantiu |
now | ara |
nude | parat ; nus |
number | nombre ; numerò |
nurse | infirmièra |
nurse (to) | sonhar |
nut | notz |
oar | rem |
oasis | oasis |
object | objèct |
octopus | pofre |
oil | petròli ; òli |
old | vièlh |
on | sus |
one | un, una |
open | dobrir |
orange | irange |
orchard | vergièr |
orthography | ortogràfia |
ostrich | estruci |
outside | defòra |
owl | chòt |
packet | paquet |
page | pagina |
paint (to) | pintrar |
paint-brush | pincèl |
painter | pintre |
pair | parelh |
palate | paladar ; cèl de la boca |
palm-tree | palmièr |
paper | papièr |
paper-book | quasernet ; quasèrn |
parachute | paracasudas |
paradise | paradís |
parapet | parabanda |
parasol | parasolelh |
park | pargue |
park (to) | pargar |
parrot | papagai |
paste | pega |
paste (to) | pegar |
path | camin ; sendièr ; viòl |
patten | patin |
pavement | trepador |
pavilion | tenda |
paw | pauta |
peach | prèssec |
pear | pera |
pearl | pèrla |
peel | rusca |
peg | cavilha |
pen | estilò |
pencil | gredon |
peninsula | peninsula |
people | gents ; mond ; pòble |
perhaps | benlèu |
permit (to) | permetre |
physician | metge |
piano | piano |
picture | ilustracion |
piece of chalk | greda |
piece of news | nòva |
pig | pòrc |
pigeon | paloma |
pimple | poire |
pin | cavilha ; espinla |
pinguin | mal-maridat |
pipe | pipa |
pit | potz |
plane | avion |
planet | planeta |
plank | pòst |
plant | planta |
plant (to) | plantar |
plate | escudèla |
play | jogar |
play (to) | jogar |
please (to) | agradar |
plump | redond |
pòcha | |
pocket-book | pòrtafuèlha |
point | poncha |
police | polícia |
polish (to) | fretar |
pond | estanh ; pesquièr |
pool | pesquièr ; estanh |
poor | paure |
portfolio | pòrtafuèlha |
portrait | retrach |
post office | pòsta ; corrièr |
postman | factor |
pot | pòt |
potatoe | patana |
prater | barjacaire |
prayer | pregària |
present | present ; dona |
price | prètz |
priest | capelan |
print (to) | estampar |
problem | problèma |
promise (to) | prometre |
pronoun | pronom |
prophet | profèta |
protect (to) | protegir |
proud | orgulhós |
pull away (to) | arrancar ; desrasigar |
pump | pompa |
puppet | monaca ; mariòta |
pure | blós |
purple | violet |
push (to) | butar |
put (to) | metre |
put in order (to) | ordenar |
pyramid | piramida |
quack | triacaire |
queen | rèina |
question | question |
quick | rapid ; subte |
quiet | suau (adj.) |
rabbit | conilh |
race | corsa |
racket | fusada |
radio | ràdia |
raft | radèl |
railway | camin de fèrre |
rain | pluèja |
rain (to) | plòure |
rainbow | arc de Sant Martin |
raise o.self up (to) | ajocar (s') |
ramble | escorreguda |
rare | rare |
rat | garri ; rat |
ray | rai |
read (to) | legir |
receptacle | grasala |
recite (to) | recitar |
red | roge |
regret (to) | regantar |
rehearse (to) | recitar |
religion | religion |
remainder | rèsta |
remember | remembrar (se) |
remove (to) | dostar |
repeat (to) | repetir |
reprimand (to) | brandir las pelhas |
reprove (to) | brandir las pelhas |
reptile | reptil |
rest | rèsta |
rest (to) | repausar (se) |
restaurant | restaurant |
rice | ris |
ride (to) | cavalcar |
right | drech, a |
rind | rusca |
ring | anèl |
rise (to) | levar se (solelh) |
river | riu |
road | rota |
rock | rocàs |
rock (to) | breçar |
roof | teulat |
root | raiç ; rasiga |
rope | còrda |
rose | ròsa (color, flor) |
round | redond |
row (to) | remar |
rub (to) | fretar |
rubber | caochoc ; goma |
rule | règla |
run (to) | córrer |
sail | vela |
salt | sal |
salt | salat (adj.) |
salted | salat |
same | meteis |
sand | arena ; sabla |
sandwich | entrepan * |
saucepan | caçairòla |
say (to) | díser |
scald | cremadura |
scale (to) | escala(da)r |
school | escòla |
scissors | talhants (cisèls) |
scull | rem |
sea | mar |
seal | fòca ; buòu marin |
season | sason |
seat | sèti |
see (to) | veire ; véser |
see-saw | balançadoira |
see-weed | alga |
seed | gran ; grana |
sell (to) | vendre |
send (to) | mandar |
sentence | frasa |
set on fire (to) | alucar |
seven | sèt |
sew (to) | cóser ; cordurar |
shadow | ombra |
shape | forma |
shark | verdon |
shatter (to) | copar |
shell | cauquilha |
shelter | abric |
shepherd | pastre |
shield | escut (bloquièr) |
shine (to) | lusir |
shoe | sabata |
shoe-maker | sabatièr |
shore | broa |
short | cort |
shoulder | espatla |
shout (to) | cridar |
shovel | pala |
show (to) | ensenhar ; mostrar |
shut (to) | barrar |
shutdown (to) | apagar ; atudar |
sign (head) | signe |
silver | argent |
sin | pecat |
sincere | sincèr |
sing (to) | cantar |
sink | aiguièr ; dornièr |
sister | sòrre |
sit (to) | sèire (se) |
six | sièis |
skate | patin |
sketch (to) | dessenhar |
skin | pèl |
skittle | quilha |
sky | cèl |
skyscraper | gratacèl |
sledge | tira ; amach |
sleep (to) | dormir |
sleeve | marga |
sleigh | tira ; amach |
slender | fin |
slide (to) | lisar |
slip | braieta |
slip (to) | rebalar ; lisar |
slowly | dapasset ; lentament |
small bell | cascavèl |
smile (to) | sorire |
smoke | fum |
snail | cagaraula |
snake | sèrp |
snow | nèu |
snow (to) | nevar |
soap | sabon |
soul | arma |
sound | son |
south | sud |
speak (to) | parlar |
speedway (US) | autorota |
spelling | ortogràfia |
spider | aranha |
spill (to) | desquilhar |
spinning-top | baudufa |
spoil (to) | tacar |
spoon | culhièr |
sport | despòrt |
spot (to) | tacar |
spring | font ; prima |
spring (to) | rajar |
square | cairat |
squirrel | esquiròl |
stage | escèna |
stain (to) | tacar |
stairs | escalièr |
stalk | camba (de flor) |
stamp | sagèl |
star | astre ; estèla |
station | gara |
steam | vapor |
stem | camba (de flor) |
step | grasa |
stewpan | caçairòla |
still | suau |
stomach | estomac |
stone | pèira |
stop (to) | aplantar (s') |
storm | auratge |
stove | forn ; fornet ; fornèl |
strait | estrech |
straw | palha |
strawberry | majofa |
stream | riu ; canal |
street | carrièra |
string | cadena |
stroke | còp |
submarine | josmarin * |
substantive | substantiu |
substract (to) | sostraire |
subway | metro |
such | tal |
suffer (to) | sofrir ; patir |
sugar | sucre |
summer | estiu |
summit | cimèl (d'un angle) |
sun | solèlh |
sunrise | alba |
sunset | calabrun |
sunshade | parasolelh |
sure | segur |
surprise | suspresa |
swallow | ironda |
sweater | tricòt |
sweet | bonbon |
sweet | doç ; suau (adj.) |
swim (to) | nadar |
swimming pool | piscina |
swing | balançadoira |
sword-belt | cenchon |
table | taula |
tail | coa |
take (to) | prene |
take care of (to) | sonhar |
tale | conte |
tall | bèl ; grand |
taste | gost ; sabor |
teacher | regent |
tear | lagrema |
tear away (to) | arrancar ; desrasigar |
telephone | telefòne |
television | television |
tell (to) | contar |
ten | dètz |
tenant | borièr |
tent | tenda |
tepid | tèbi |
that | aquel |
theater | teatre |
there | lai |
thick | espés |
thin | prim ; linge ; fin |
thing | causa ; objèct |
think (to) | pensar |
thirteen | tretze |
this | aiceste ; aqueste |
thread | fial |
three | tres |
throw (to) | tirar ; traire ; lançar |
throw away (to) | escampar ; getar |
thumb | poce |
thunder | auratge ; tron |
tie | carbata |
tiger | tigre |
tight | estrech |
time | temps (que passa) |
tip | poncha |
tobacco | tabat |
toboggan | tobogan ; esluradèr (Gc.) |
today | uèi |
tomato | poma d'amor |
tomorrow | deman |
too much | tròp |
tool | aisina |
tooth | caissal ; dent |
top | baudufa ; cimèl (d'un angle) |
tortoise | tortuga |
touch | tocar |
touch (to) | palpar ; tocar |
tour | escorreguda |
towel | servieta |
town | vila ; ciutat |
toy | joguina |
trace | piada ; dralha |
train | trin |
tramcar | tramvai |
travel | viatge |
tray | platèl |
tree | arbre |
trousers | bragas |
truck | camion |
trumpet | trompeta |
trunk (tree) | mala ; soc ; tronc |
truth | vertat |
try (to) | assajar |
tube | metro |
tunnel | pertús ; tunèl |
turkey-cock | piòt |
turn (to) | virar |
turn s.o. out (to) | sacar ; fòrabandir |
twelve | dotze |
twin | besson |
two | dos, doas |
umbrella | parapluèja |
uncle | oncle |
under | dejós |
underground | metro |
up | amont |
upright | onèst |
use (to) | usar ; emplegar |
valiant | valent |
valley | val |
vapour | vapor |
vegetables | legums |
ventilator | ventilador |
verb | vèrb |
very | meteis ; quite |
very | fòrça ; belcòp |
village | vilatge |
vine-stock | cep |
visit (to) | vistalhar |
vitamine | vitamina |
voice | votz |
void | vuèg |
volcano | volcan |
wake up (to) | despertar (se) |
wall | paret |
walnut | notz |
want (to) | voler |
warm (to) | calfar |
wash (to) | lavar |
washing machine | maquina de lavar |
wasp | vèspa |
waste-paper basket | trast (pel papièr) |
watch | relòtge ; mòstra |
watch (to) | agachar |
water | aiga |
waterfall | cascade |
water-melon | pastèca |
water-polo | water-polo |
wave | èrsa |
weather | temps (que fa) |
week | setmana |
weight | pes |
well | plan (adv.) |
well | potz ; sorga |
well (to) | rajar |
west | oèst |
whale | balena |
wheat | blat |
wheel | ròda |
whisper (to) | marmusar |
whistle (to) | siblar ; siular |
white | blanc, a |
wide | larg |
win (to) | ganhar |
window | fenèstra |
wine | vin |
wing | ala |
winter | ivèrn |
wire | fial |
wish | vòt |
with | amb |
wolf | lop |
woman | femna |
wood | fusta ; bòsc ; lenha |
wooden horse | cavalet de fusta |
wool | lana |
word | mot |
work (to) | trabalhar |
worm | vèrm |
write (to) | escriure |
xylophone | xilofòn |
yard | cort |
year | an |
yell (to) | bramar |
yellow | jaune |
yes | òc |
yesterday | ièr ; gèr |
yogurt | iagort |
young | jove |
zebra | zèbre |
zero | zèro |
zip | cremalhièra |
zoo | zoò |